Comic for January 3rd, 2010
January 3rd, 2010

Transporter Room, Lieutenant J.G. McGinnis, Lieutenant Denobi, Ensign Ryan

This begins Legostar Galactica: Second String.  These Sunday Updates are two fold, one to introduce and keep up with second string characters who may get ignored in the main comic, and to give me an outlet to do more one shot jokes rather than plot and character based stuff.  Hope you all enjoy.

I built this Transporter Room recently after having created a rather large buffer, so there wasn’t going to be a chance to see it any time soon, part of the reason I started this whole Second String thing.  Lt. J. G. McGinnis was also a character who has never and wouldn’t have a chance to show up soon, and I wanted it to seem like he’d been around for a while, he just kinda went unnoticed.  It says something about a crew that doesn’t really notice a big orange alien with a Scottish accent.

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