Comic for January 15th, 2012
January 15th, 2012

Major Johnny Danger, Ensign Tenka Nerok

This came about because of a party we had where a friend of mine came and upon walking in the door asked us if someone at the party had a triple A card because he’d just locked his keys in his car.  He blames this, somehow, on listening to an audio book while driving.  I’m not entirely sure how the two are related, but we made fun of him, and then we struck upon the idea of Johnny somehow doing the same thing.  The whole analogy of a spaceship to a car is completely absurd, I know this, and using a coat hanger to try and open the lock would also be dumb on this scale, but I’m going with it anyway.


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  1. WJS says:

    I’m not an expert in naval matters, but the idea of “clearing everybody off the ship” seems highly suspect to me too. Is that something they ever do? I thought ships always had someone on them, even when at dock.