Comic for November 7th, 2016
November 7th, 2016


It’s not like they’re subtle.

Discussion (7)¬

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  1. Samuel Bronson says:

    So, is the information “you guys or so dead”? Or perhaps the price is “your lives”?

  2. Mr. Speck says:

    Now, is the fact that this figure originated as Princess Leia’s bounty hunter disguise a red herring, or double-bluff?

    • BrickVoid says:

      This is indeed an excellent question: What are the chances Belinda would pose as someone looking for money in exchange for information in order to lure them to their doom? My guess is going to have to be better than average! 😀

  3. BrokenEye, True False Prophet says:

    They’re getting reimbursed for expenses, though, right?

  4. Paladin says:

    Pre-swagging the victims is always fun. It’s possible to get more from them than just swagging them afterwards if they trade valuable information or make bank transfers to you.

  5. wolf72 says:

    If that’s Belinda … awesome! She can make a huge profit and wipe her enemies. Hopefully she doesn’t become a full blown capitalist … err sith!