Characters / Cheeseman

Dr. Cheeseman

Biographical Information

Position: Medic
Birthday: Unknown
Homeworld: Earth

Physical Description

Species: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7"
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Blue

Chronological Information


Behind the Scenes

Played by:
First Appearance: 06-29-04

Dr. Cheeseman

"Well it seems like your injury is psychosomatic." --Dr. Cheeseman concerning Red losing an arm.

Dr. Cheeseman was a member of the Muffin's medical staff. She was decidedly against doling out pain medication and when she refused to give some to Red she was unusually reprimanded by the Chief Medical Officer.

Behind the Scenes

Dr. Cheeseman is in fact based off of a real person who the Author was very angry with at the time, however in retrospect had been correct about the drug seeking nature of the patient in question.