Characters / TheDoctor

The Doctor

Biographical Information

Homeworld: Gallifrey

Physical Description

Species: Time Lord
Gender: Male
Hair color: brown
Eye color:

Chronological Information


Behind the Scenes

Played by: David Tennant
First Appearance: 4-21-2009

The Doctor

"Brilliant!"--The Doctor.

Name Description


Early Childhood

Secondary Education

2350 and Beyond

Personality Traits

The Doctor is known for being extremely animated in his current (tenth) regeneration -- it is for this reason that David Tennant was also cast as Skip Tyler, the Muffin's hyperactive communications officer.


Behind the Scenes

The Doctor is a character from the British sci-fi TV show "Doctor Who," who is known for using his sonic screwdriver as a deus ex machina; a universal problem-solver, if you will. The "RTD" that he creates from Finelli's portal device is named so in reference to Russell T Davies, one of the key figures in Doctor Who's 2005 revival.