Characters / Tuggywuggylon


Biographical Information

Death: 07/09/2353
Homeworld: Nuzzalar

Physical Description

Species: Nuzzalari
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4"
Hair color: none
Eye color: grey

Chronological Information


Known Apprentices:

Force Sensitivity
Level 6

Jedi Master
Midichlorian count: 984,665 ppb
Lightsaber skills: Jum'piin Rund Master

Behind the Scenes

Played by:
First Appearance: 02-12-09

Jedi Master Tuggywuggylon


Tuggywuggylon was a Jedi Master who was once in charge of the Jedi Library on Xardania. Both Roland Tobias and Koz served as apprentices under Master Tuggywuggylon. The Nuzzalari Master was an expert on Sith lore and for a time a member of the Jedi Council.


Early Childhood

Secondary Education

In his time as Jedi Master, Tuggywuggylon trained many padawans learners, the most famous of which were Roland Tobias, who would take Tuggywuggylon's place at the Jedi Library of Xardania after the Nuzzalari decided he wished to do more field research, and Koz, who would trick the Jedi for most of his life only to reveal he was a Sith in disguise. Master Tuggywuggylon expressed great pride in the accomplishments of Tobias and great sorrow in the fall of Koz.
Tuggywuggylon eventually became a member of the Jedi Council and served with distinction for nearly 50 years, when he stepped down from the council his place was taken by Mater Esparanto.

2350 and Beyond

During a diplomatic mission during the Synari War the aging Jedi Master was asigned escourt duty to a group of diplomats attempting to end the war, among those diplomants was Princess Natalie of Nabootycall. It was during this mission that the diplomats and the Jedi Master encountered and unknown Sith who cut down Master Tuggywugglon while he made sure that the diplomatic envoy he had been sent to protect escaped. His death was morned by a great many Jedi and the diplomatic envoy was not able the broker the peace they had hoped they could. The war continued unabated and most of the diplomats became targets of the Synari Empire.
Though Master Tuggywuggylon died several years prior his likeness, history, and personality profile all exist in the Alliance database and as such a holographic representation of him was used to help teach Angrius about the ways of the Sith.

Personality Traits

Tuggywuggylon was a studious and strict Jedi who trained his apprentices hard and had a tendency to lecture and quiz them in mid combat as it was important to him that they be able to function mentally and physically at their peak in unison or they would never truly master either ability.


Master Tuggywuggylon was responsible for the Jedi training of Master Roland Tobias and Koz before Koz's fall to the dark side. After his death a holographic version of Tuggywuggylon would also go on to train former Sith Angrius.

Behind the Scenes