Races / Aarkaash


Homeworld: Idsocaa
Language: Aarkaashi
Average Height: 6' 5" to 7'
Hair Color: none
Distinctions: eyes on top of head

Famous Members


Aarkaash are a technologically sophisticated race from the outer core world of Idsocaa. They are a amphibian humanoid species with eyes mounted at the tops of their heads and elongated faces extending to mouths just above their torsos. They are responsible for much of the technology that the Alliance has built and refined.

Biology and Appearance

The aarkaash are a amphibian humanoid race with long faces, their mouths just above their chests and their eyes at the top of a long skull. This structure is an adaptation to living in a partially submerged environment to approach land based prey from beneath the water without being easily detected.
Aarkaash eyes are able to see into the ultraviolet spectrum.
The aarkaash have four sexes, dolsil, belish, mavarb and komdi. The dolsil are not only sterile but lack any genetelia, they are essentially evolutionary dead ends, they are however the longest lived sex, easily reaching 100 years, but being unable to reproduce. Their long life is attributed to a lack of certain hormones strongly present in the three other sexes. The belish are similar to females of other species and are responsible for laying several hundred eggs at the end of the mating cycle, they typically die after this, however usually around the age of 20. The mavarb are also similar to females but lack the reproductive capacity and often serve as surrogates to the children who manage to survive the first harrowing year of life, they live to the age of 40 or 50 most often. Komdi are the "males" of the species, living to around 30 or 40 and being responsible for fertilizing the eggs of the belish.
Approximately 6 or 7 young survive the first year after hatching from eggs and are their sexes are usually distributed among the four.
The aarkaash are also known for being one of several species in the galaxy that are unaffected by alcohol, their bodies neither recognize nor process it, thus it does not cause the condition of drunkenness in them.

Culture and Society

Aarkaash society is based around a strict religious doctrine with heavy technological undertones. The believe firmly in a celestial builder who has constructed the universe from the basic building blocks present and has his hand in all of the building and destruction that constantly goes on.
It is often difficult for outsiders to distinguish between aarkaash sexes, however owing to the fact that there are 4 sexes this makes things even further complicated. Color variations in the ultraviolet spectrum distinguish the sexes to other aarkaash and those who can see into that spectrum.
Because of their long life the dolsil make up most of the ruling class of the aarkaash and they are also the only members of the race likely to become Jedi.
A typical family usually consists of a "married" komdi, belish and mavarb and after the belish's death the komdi and mavarb raise the children that survive. Every so often a dolsil is involved in the relationship but more often the dolsil lead more solitary academic lives with little use for "love" or "romance" and certainly no use for mating.


Thousands of years ago the aarkaash emerged from the shallow seas of their world and began living mostly on land, though most aarkaash homes contain a water filled basement. From there they began experimenting with technology and passed through an industrial age very quickly, stepping quickly out into the universe and encountering the races around. Though they warred with several races they quickly established an alliance of worlds around them and maintained peaceful relations with more distant worlds.
The aarkaash were one of the founding members of the Alliance and have been over the years responsible from a great many of the technological advances within the Alliance. They often work in the background and are not often highly seen outside their own world, though there are some groups and enclaves that have ventured out significantly further.

Behind the Scenes

  • The aarkaash were one of the first new alien races the Author created to get away from the Startrekian style of aliens, and more towards a starwarsian style of aliens.