Races / Cryptlons


Homeworld: Cryptla
Language: Unknown
Average Height: Unknown
Hair Color: Unknown
Distinctions: Wear Encouter Suits

Famous Members

Osh Kosh B'gosh

The Cryptlons

The Cryptlons are a secretive and enigmatic race intent on hiding their true identities from the rest of the galaxy, or at least the younger races. They do this by hiding within encounter suits which ostensibly allow cryptlons to survive within hostile atmospheres but more specifically hide their appearance from any who look upon them.

Biology and Appearance

Very little is known about Cyrptlon biology as they isolated themselves in encounter suits which prevent others from seeing their true forms and ostensibly allow them to move through environments in which they can not breath. Though none of the younger races know anything about Cryptlon biology is it likely that other First Ones may be more informed, thought none of them have shared this information.
It is largely speculated that their ships are organic.

Culture and Society

Little is known of Cryptlon culture and society for the same reasons as their appearance is hidden, however they do appear to be a tightly knit group and are possibly telepathically linked to each other.
Cryptlons also appear to believe in a Chosen One who will play a role in a major crisis, they have indicated that Ensign Red Shirt is that Chosen One.


Like everything else about them Cryptlon history is shrouded in mystery. They occupy an empire which spans several systems, though it is unknown if any other races inhabit this area as outsiders are not welcome to the point of being destroyed.
The Cryptlons have a friendly relationship with the Alliance having gone so far to offer military aide, but have indicated that there would be a later price, a point at which they could not help.

Behind the Scenes

  • The Cryptlons are based on the Vorlons of Babylon 5?.