Races / Dalek


Homeworld: Skaro
Language: Kaled Tongue
Average Height: 5ft(in casing)
1ft(without casing)
Hair Color: None
Distinctions: Squid-like creature
in a pepperpot-shaped armor

Famous Members

Davros, Dalek Emperor,
Cult of Skaro, Dalek Supreme


The Daleks are the remains of a Kaled evolution. This evolution was caused by Nuclear Radiation(a crippled Kaled Scientist) in order to survive the Skaro War against the Thals. The Daleks evolution didn't go to plan and Davros and the other Kaled Scientists had to create a Dalek Battle Armor to fight in the war and eventually conquer the Galaxy. The Dalek Battle Armor was based on Davros' wheelchair-a cylinder with many domes covering it. DALEK is a anagram of KALED.

Biology and Appearance

The Dalek Mutant looks like a small grey squid with a big blue eye. The Dalek Battle Armor Looks like a human sized pepperpot with a plunger and a cylinder(gun) pointing out. The head

Society and Culture

The Dalek Culture is simple: they are superior to all other species and all of the inferior races must be 'exterminated'! The Dalek Society is capitalist with a chain of command: The Cult of Skaro, The Dalek Emperor, The Dalek Supreme, Davros, Daleks.


The Dalek were created in a generation-long war over the Dalek homeplanet Skaro between the Kaleds and the Thals. The Skaro War became Nuclear and both races suffered from severe mutation. The Thals became short and blonde haired the Kaleds became small grey blue eyed squids. Davros The wheelchair-bound Kaled Scientist and the rest of the remaining Kaleds created a Battle Armor resembling a man-sized pepperpot to help win the war. Then a Time Lord known as The Doctor came and helped the Thals defeat the Daleks. After this the Time Lords and The Doctor became the sworn enemies of the Daleks. The Doctor was once sent by the Time Lords to stop the creation of the Daleks ever happening but when The Doctor got the chance he decided that it would stop millions of races from making peace and failed his mission. Eventually The Daleks found out about the mission and declared war on The Time Lords this was the beginning of the Great Time War lasting millions of generations and all across time and space. This resulted in all but two Time Lords (The Doctor and The Master) being destroyed (The Doctor is now the only remaining Time Lord). There where several Dalek survivors such as Davros, The Dalek Emperor, The Cult of Skaro, and a Genesis Arc full of Daleks. All of the Daleks are either supposedly dead or trapped in The Void.

Behind the Scenes

One Dalek has appeared in Legostar Galactica so far and this one was supposedly from before the Time War hence the style of its Battle Armor.