Races / KritTers

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Homeworld: Dokla
Language: Ignos
Average Height: 3'-4'
Hair Color: None
Distinctions: Silicon based

Famous Members


Krit'Ters were a stout, voracious, silicon based species.

Biology and Appearance

Krit'Ters were a silicon based life-form with short stature and stubby limbs. Their heads were mostly mouth and they were able to consume large quantities of rocks and minerals.

Society and Culture

Their intelligence was usually limited though some managed to form societies.


Krit'Ters had no written language and as such their history was hard to pin down. Most spoke of times of great upheaval, though it was hard to determine how far in their past that was.

Behind the Scenes

The name Krit'Ters comes from the author's wife calling the little LEGO Power Miner monsters "Critters."