Races / Meshkari


Homeworld: Meshkar
Language: Jau
Average Height: 4'-7'
Hair Color: none
Distinctions: Keep their faces covered

Famous Members

Darth Angrius


Meshkari are a secretive race who hide their faces behind hoods and black face cloth.

Biology and Appearance

The meshkari as considered hideous by galactic standards and often by each other as well, as such they keep their faces covered in black cloth that prevents others from seeing their true visage. All that makes it through are their red glowing eyes. Biologically they are near human and aside from their faces they closely resemble other humanoids.
They do have a slightly higher than normal healing potential and have been able to have limbs reattached after prolonged periods of time.

Culture and Society

Meshkari culture and society is kept a secret from outsiders.


Most meshkari avoid leaving their homeworld and no much effort has been invested in informing the galaxy at large of their ancient history. They have had some relationship with the Alliance but have never formally joined and they discourage visitors and tourists to their homeworld. It is speculated that their facial features are due to damage incurred by a nuclear conflict at some point in their history and that this is some variety of adaption, however this is only a speculation.

Behind the Scenes

  • Darth Angrius existed long before his people had a name or it was even decided that he would be other than human.