Races / Nythrian


Homeworld: Nyth
Language: Nytha
Average Height: 5'6"-6'5"
Hair Color: none
Distinctions: X linked genetic passage

Famous Members


Nythrians are a chameleonoid humanoid species who pass their genetics along female lines. They are a powerful force in the galaxy and are suggested to be plotting a galactic takeover.

Biology and Appearance

Nythrians are a semi reptilian humanoid race who pass their appearance along female lines, which is to say that progeny of a Nythrian male and any female appear like the female. It is through this that nythrians have been able to spread their bloodlines secretly into many races.
Nythrians are stronger and more agile than most humanoids but they prefer to use subterfuge and trickery to reach their goals.


Nythrians strongly believe that their race is destined to rule the galaxy and their theocracy while containing my worlds is flanked on three sides by the Remulan Empire, the Synari Empire, and the Alliance. Thus they have been quietly infiltrating all of these governments due to their unique genetic traits.


Nythrian history is filled with bloodshed and war, with each other and with those around them. Though they have the ability to infiltrate other species they have only used this as a prelude to open conflict. Some members of the species do roam openly in the galaxy, however they are often not well liked or trusted.

Behind the Scenes

  • Basic nythrians use the Norman Osborn as the Green Goblin from Spiderman? sets.