Races / Quillililacliolura

Attach:quillililacliolura.jpg Δ

Homeworld: Iona
Average Height:
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Famous Members


Quil'il'il'acli'olura were a race of tentacled land dwelling creatures. They were descendants of the Old Ones.

Biology and Appearance

The Quil'il'il'acli'olura resembled chitinous jellyfish that moved around on four spiny tentacles. They had a simplistic digestive system, but a complex nervous system that allowed them senses beyond the range of most other species.

Society and Culture

Little was known of Quil'il'il'acli'olura society, only that they dwelled at the lowest depths of the oceans of Iona and worshiped dark gods.


The Quil'il'il'acli'olura involved themselves very little with the lives of the ionites, keeping to themselves at the bottom of the oceans until the ionites began to leave their planet.

Behind the Scenes