Races / Rxxnak


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Famous Members


The Rxxnak were a race of reptilian humanoids with several head protrusions. They ranged in color from green to orange.

Biology and Appearance

Though the Rxxnak were reptilian in nature, they were warmblooded creatures and thus not subject to external temperatures for their body regulation. They had large forward facing eyes, and three protrusions that jutted back from their skulls. They varied in color based on the climate on their homeworld where their ancestors grew up, those colors ranged from a bright green to a bright orange.

Society and Culture

Rxxnak society was based on a strict hierarchy and caste system. Their leaders had absolute control and obedience was a central tenant to all rxxnak religions.


Rxxnak history was filled with bloodshed and warfare. Even after the hierarchy was established they still continued to fight amongst themselves.

Behind the Scenes

The Rxxnak heads come from LEGO Space Police III sets.