Races / Synari


Homeworld: Synar
Language: Synari
Average Height: 6'
Hair Color: black
Distinctions: head ridge

Famous Members
*Emperor Gancyclovir


Synari are a mammallian humanoid race with a ridged head and a strong military tradition.

Biology and Appearance

The most distinct feature of the synari is their ridged head which is actually a bone portrusion on their skulls which is left over from an evolutionary advantage they obtained as hunters before evolving into a sentient race. Their biology otherwise is similar to most other humanoids but they have abnormally large livers.

Culture and Society

Synari culture is based around combat and the hunt, they are a wild people with little use for diplomacy and conversation. Much of their culture also revolves around the substance, mustard and they are always in search of new sources of it.


The Synari Empire has often come in conflict with the Alliance as well as the Remulan Empire and The Nythrian Theocracy. They have preferred to conquer and attack rather than deal with things diplomatically however it has been indicated that their governmental infrastructure is collapsing because of this. At one point the were at war with the Alliance due to a miscommunication between a Synari ship and Martin Jasper over mustard. For more information on the following war, see The Synari War.

Behind the Scenes

  • The Synari were intended to be the Legostar Galactica analog of the Klingons from Star Trek.