Characters / Commandy

Amanda Commandy

Biographical Information

Rank: Master Sergeant
Position: Earth Security Force Commander
Serial Number: 68923843
Homeworld: Earth

Physical Description

Species: Human
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9"
Hair color:
Eye color:

Chronological Information


Behind the Scenes

Played by: Felicia Day
First Appearance: 10-18-2005

Commander Amanda Commandy

"You have no idea."--Commander Commandy's response to Belinda's comment that she must get a lot of flack for her name.

Amanda Commandy is an Alliance Army Soldier working as part of the special task force protecting Alliance Command on Earth. Though she wears a clone trooper uniform she is not a clone.


Early Childhood

Secondary Education

2350 and Beyond

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Personality Traits


Behind the Scenes

  • Commander Commandy was supposed to be a one hit joke, however the Author has decided to bring her back as a more regular character.