Organizations / Nythrian

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The Nythrian Theocracy

General Information

Notable Members:
Headquarters: Nyth

Historical Information

Other Information

The Nythrian Theocracy

The Nythrian Theocracy was the driving force behind the expansionist Nythrians. The religious values of the theocracy permeated the entire society and drove its members to push forward into the galaxy until all of it was Nythrian.


Born of the need to conquer the galaxy and permeate it with their DNA the Nythrian Theocracy was born of the values of the great god Nyth, whose blood flowed in all nythrians. They felt that it was their duty to spread that blood to all the races of the universe. By insinuating their offspring at the highest levels of various societies they would be able to quickly take over the galaxy, then the universe. Their success had been marginal at best as their agents often exhibited traits that betrayed them and allowed them to be discovered.