Races / Droid


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Droids are any number of hugely varied designs of robotic lifeforms. They are grouped as a whole as Droids for lack of any other race, they are a mobile form of artificial intelligence that aide other races in a variety of services and specialized tasks that can not be accomplished by biological lifeforms or that biological lifeforms choose not to burden themselves with.


Biology and Appearance

Droids share the fact that they are all mechanical life forms, however they vary greatly in their appearance and construction. Most Droids are powered by an Rossumantium core which provides power for all of their systems, a few older and some experimental models contain Asimovium as their power cores.

Types of Droids

  • Astromech Droids
  • Protocol Droids
  • Security Droids
  • Scout Droids
  • Labor Droids
  • Recreational Droids
  • Hunter/Killer Droids
  • Combat Droids
  • Maintenance Droids

Society and Culture

Droids maintain no distinct society or culture, though they often taken on the society or culture of the race they spend most time with or those they have been programed by.


Behind the Scenes