Races / Hoff

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The Hoff

Homeworld: Hoff'ta
Language: Hoffan
Average Height: 4'-5'
Hair Color: none
Distinctions: biologic caste system

Famous Members

The Hoff

The Hoff were a green skinned race of somewhat belligerent traders.

Biology and Appearance

The Hoff were as species of amphibioid, green skinned, people. Their biology differed among their own species based on a rigid caste system of workers, warriors, and leaders. Their workers had a much more elongated face with a pronounced under bite, while the warriors had a flatter, wider face and a more stout appearance. The leader caste had an exposed cranial window.

Society and Culture

The Hoff adhered rigidly to their caste system and maintained that it was that which kept their society together. Though they first appeared to the Alliance as somewhat dubious traders their true hostile intentions were quickly discovered.


Though peace talks were attempted at first with the Hoff, these quickly fell apart as it was learned that the Hoff had no intention of living peacefully with the Alliance, and instead had allied themselves with a cabal intent on destroying the universe.

Behind the Scenes

The Hoff are the aliens featured in the LEGO series Alien Conquest.