Races / Islandian


Homeworld: Islandia
Language: Senmanoa
Average Height: 5'-6'
Hair Color: varies
Distinctions: features appear like face paint

Famous Members


Islandians are a mamallian humanoid species very closely related to humans.

Biology and Appearance

Islandians are an offshoot of the human race who evolved on the mostly water world of Islandia. Their genetic profile is different enough to no longer be classified as human though they are remarkably similar. They wear face paint as a rule and tradition.

Culture and Society

Islandian culture is based around the water and the water gods they worhship. They are a fishing society and much of their culture is based around fishing and creatures of the great ocean that covers their world.


As they are a fishing culture the islandians have been of little interest to the galaxy at large. However the Alliance have often used islandian officals as negotiators.

Behind the Scenes

  • Heads from Islanders Lego sets