Races / Remulan


Homeworld: Remula
Language: unknown
Average Height: unknown
Hair Color: unknown
Distinctions: mysterious

Famous Members


Remulans are a mysterious race who rule an empire mostly in unknown territories. They hide their appearance from other races though it is possible those races have encountered them and never knew. They have their hearts set on galactic conquest.

Biology and Appearance

Alliance records have no information on the biology or appearance of remulans.

Culture and Society

Alliance records have no information on the culture and society of remulans.


Alliance records have no information on the remulan history. Though the Alliance has a long standing grudge with the Remulan Empire, and at some point in their history they began experimenting with cloning.

Behind the Scenes

  • Remulans are the Legostar Galactica equivalent of Star Trek's Romulans. Romulus and Remus. Get it?