Races / TimeLords

Time Lords

Homeworld: Gallifrey
Language: unknown
Average Height: 5'-6'
Hair Color: varies
Distinctions: bipulmonary system

Famous Members
*The Doctor

The Time Lords

The Time Lords were one of the First Ones, an ancient race in the the galaxy. Through their manipulation of time they were able to cross not just vast distances in space but vasts distances in time.

Biology and Appearance

Time Lords appear very similar to Humans and may have been involved in the creation of humans and other humanoids. They do, however have a bipulmonary system and the ability to reginerate if their body is damanaged sufficiently. Most Time Lords have 12 regenerations and thus 13 "lives" each differing slightly in personality as well as appearance. They retain memories from regeneration to regeneration.

Society and Culture

Little is known of Time Lord Society and Culture.


During the last great time war the Time Lords faced off against the Daleks. All but two Time Lords are thought to have been destroyed during this encounter. Only The Doctor roams time and space still.

Behind the Scenes

  • Time Lords and associated characters are properties of the Whoniverse.