Comic for February 20th, 2010
February 20th, 2010

Foray is a fun word. Say it out loud. Foray. Say it really slowly too. Forrrrraaaaaay.

Last night my wife and I sat down and watched “Julie and Julia“, we both love Amy Adams, Meryl Streep is always awesome (she channeled Julia Child pretty well here) plus Jane Lynch and Stanley Tucci are in it, so you can’t miss with that.  It was mostly a “chick flick” but overall it was okay, not great, but okay.  In any case the best part was at the very end, just before the credits they do that “Julia Child lived to be 91 etc etc” and the last couple of lines were about Julie Powell and how she wrote a book about her experience with the whole cooking from Julia Child’s cookbook and all.  The final line was “A movie was made about her book.”  My wife and I couldn’t stop laughing, obviously a movie was made about the book, we just watched it!  That and a preview before the movie for some ice skating thing called Ice Castles had us pretty entertained for most the evening.

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