Comic for October 31st, 2011
October 31st, 2011

Season 10, Episode 4: The War At Home, Coruscant, Hotshot, Scout, Raspicos

I felt it was important to check back with these guys.

You haven’t met Hotshot before and you may never see him again.

New vote incentive over at top webcomics.  Dancing with the People Who’ve Been on TV!

Clued in yet?  You will be on 01-02-2012

I know many of you, in addition to reading this LEGO webcomic may read some others.  One of the most notable (if not the most notable) ended last week, rather surprisingly.  Irregular Webcomic has finished or has paused to give me a chance to catch up in comic count.  It was a great run and I hope to see more from David in the future.

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