Comic for July 5th, 2009
July 5th, 2009

A guest comic I received a lot earlier than I posted it, somehow it got lost in the shuffle. It’s from Michael McCluskey of The Wacky Adventures of Lunar and Kirk This is an alternate punchline.

At this moment, right now, I have a buffer of nearly 300 comics. If I so choose I don’t really have to work on the comic for another year. Of course I’m still working on the 7th season animated film thingy, and I’m still working this new site, so I’ll still have comic things to keep me busy. Not that I plan to not work on the comic for a year, in fact I plan to spend the next year trying to improve some aspects of how I make the comic, hopefully the experiments in the next 300 comics are favorable and those beyond will also be enjoyed.

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