Comic for June 12th, 2010
June 12th, 2010

There’s quite a few cameos in the background of Star Pirates players we’ve seen before, such as Heavyhook, Cosmas, Terwin and his crew, and Berto el Con.  There’s also Solsta Lynn in the big red hair, Packerchu in the red bandanna and Jacques Legoua in the diving suit.  Freeptop isn’t visible in these shots but you’ll see his back later this month.  There’s also a couple of other extras including two of the new collectible minifigures, the robot and the astronaut which I obtained (along with the other 14 series 1 collectible minifigs) from the fantastic Chris Doyle of Reasonably Clever.  Thanks Chris!

Legostar Galactica is in the top three for voting over at Star Pirates!  Those of you who voted before, vote again, those who didn’t, it’s time for the last push, let’s make Legostar Galactica a winner!

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