Comic for January 20th, 2013
January 20th, 2013

Mark the Grad Student, Jenni Watt, Lando Calrissian, Dobikar Aaroth

I’ve been wanting to do more with the bartender and I felt a bit constrained using a parody of someone else’s character rather than coming up with my own.  It’s the same reason I got rid of Yoda and Mace Windu a while back.  Making jokes at the expense of someone else’s character only goes so far, and I felt like I had one good one for Lando, and this is pretty much it.  So he’s moved on and we’ve got someone new now.  Really the only character that isn’t mine at this point is Boba Fett, and we haven’t seen too much of him recently, not that we won’t again, I feel like I’ve fleshed out his in comic persona fairly well, better than I could other characters, so that’s what I’m going with.  Also I might do some more “That’s My Vader” in the future, but that’s a whole thing on it’s own and I don’t feel like I have to work it into the frame of the comic as much.  Does that make sense to anyone but me?  Or has this post gone on too long and you’ve all just skipped over it?

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