Comic for June 16th, 2013
June 16th, 2013

Ensign Tenka Nerok, Finn Crantz, Jake Stern

Told you you’d see these guys again.

I have long maintained that women walking down the street in unfamiliar areas or after dark should carry a mace.  Not mace, A mace.  Because, when it comes right down to it if you miss the face spraying mace, you’re in trouble, no matter where you hit someone with a ball of metal spikes is pretty much going to take them down.  Also if someone happens to see a potential victim walking down the street carrying a mace, they’re likely to wait for the next available prey.  And just so you don’t think I’m sexist I want to clarify that I think only women should carry a mace, men should carry swords, they’re much more phallic and help compensate for other issues.

Thinking about it, it might also be advisable to have Samuel L. Jackson with you.

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