
Legostar Galactica’s 10 Year Anniversary!

So here’s the deal.  For Legostar Galactica’s 10 year anniversary I want your help.  In the five days leading up the ten year anniversary the crew will be answering your questions.  Between now and then (well a little before then so I can come up with answers and photograph them) I want to hear what you want to ask the crew.  The top five questions (my favorites) will be made into comics and posted.  You can ask any member of the cast of Legostar Galactica anything you want, but the ones that get answered are up to me.  You will be credited for your question and there will be a link back to wherever you want me to link (your page or comic presumably). Questions are Now Closed! Also, I will also be posting fan art.  My favorite five fan art that I get between now and then will be posted in the blog posts below the question/answer comics, so start building or drawing or whatever.  All the fan art will go in the gallery but the top five will be posted during the 10th anniversary.  So let’s hear your questions and let’s see that fan art!

Send all questions and e-mails to me and remember the questions are to characters in the comic, so make sure to address them to who you want to answer the questions.  To e-mail me just click the “contact” button the left side menu.