Comic for August 25th, 2019
August 25th, 2019

And we’re back!  The last three episodes of the season we left off on have been photographed, they just need to go through post production and I will put those up soon.  Tomorrow starts a new season and it’s going to be a bit different.  This whole next year will be a bit of a departure from what I’ve done before, but it will feature the main cast at different times in their lives, some we’ve seen before, some will be much earlier or later in their lives than we’re used to.  There’s a point to the whole thing, I promise, but the cliffhangers set up in season 16 will be resolved in Season 19.  Season 17 will remain as The Lost Season until I figure out what I’m going to do with it.  Initially The Vault was going to be season 17, but that didn’t pan out, so we’re just going to move forward… and backward… in time for a little while.  Hang on, if you’ve stuck with me this long I’m sure you’ll enjoy what I’ve got planned for the next few years.

Discussion (13)¬

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  1. wolf72 says:

    Can’t wait!

    I bet you will still have a better story arc than GoT seasons 6/7/8.

  2. SaylorA says:

    Ahhh, welcome back.
    We’ve been waiting. 🙂

  3. Captain Cosmas says:

    Welcome Back, Doc!
    Looking forward to everything

  4. TeaAddict1 says:

    Death to the countdown clock! I have been glaring at it for a year, but it just would NOT go faster.

  5. ajs6pes says:

    Welcome back! I look forward to what season 18 (and later 17) will bring!

  6. Lenyat says:

    Glad to have you back! 🙂

  7. Gyffes says:

    WOO! Glad I kept the page in the Daily comix load.. welcome back, hope you’re tanned, rested, and ready, ’cause we are!

  8. HKMaly says:

    So, no random updates and no countdown? … well, welcome back!

  9. David says:

    To quote “The Mummy”, “I’m willing to go on a little faith here.” Welcome back!

  10. Nick says:

    I like the giant Lego brick made of Lego bricks.

  11. CSB says:

    Yay! You’re back – was worried that you might not reappear.

    Now lets see where this arc goes…