Comic for May 6th, 2018
May 6th, 2018

Discussion (5)¬

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  1. SaylorA says:

    Bob’s language skills must be a manifestation of his Force sensitivity.

  2. TeaAddict1 says:

    Cats might postpone their revenge for belly scratches, but only for three and a half scratches. After that the revenge shall be brought down in spades upon the offending hand and arm.

    • BrickVoid says:

      The experienced cat owner will ignore any such protests and will promptly proceed to stroke their cat’s fur along the direction of their spine from just behind the head at the junction of the front shoulder bones to the tail of the cat in a smooth and gentle motion. After the cat starts receiving this purring will inevitably come forth from the belly of the sated beast. 😀

  3. wolf72 says:

    bah, just wait till the latch on … then pick them up, look them in the eye till they either let go … or swat you in the face.

    Still will have a cat over dog, … litter pan much easier than yard pick up.

  4. Ladyblanc says:

    The TRULY experienced cat owner knows how to rub a belly in a way that doesn’t trigger a kitty’s fight response. Instead, it will melt and purr crazy loud. 🙂