Comic for February 13th, 2020
February 13th, 2020

Discussion (5)¬

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  1. IGuessThisIsAUsername says:

    Hello, big fan commenting for the first time. Sad that there aren’t many comments anymore, this comic should have more fans. Anyway, I’m confused. The last Go’auld is here, which means this is the old Dark Council before Creepius killed them. But that Council had the other Palpatine. I don’t recognize most of the others here, so I’m really confused as to what Council this is and who is in it. Also, kinda sad the Brian isn’t here, I would love seeing more of him.
    Heehee, sorry for the rant. I guess it’s the Skip in me XD

    • IGuessThisIsAUsername says:

      Oop. I got confused as to Atun, thought he died in the first council massacre by Creepius. That’s my bad. Also I take back apologizing for this rant because I just went on a way longer one XD

  2. Pyradonis says:

    I think I need to re-read the whole archive, I don’t remember any of this…

    • Gyffes says:

      I’ve re-read several times and STILL don’t recall these people!

      • IGuessThisIsAUsername says:

        Okay, here’s a runthrough for curious peeps:
        The Egyptian guy is from Stargate and is name Amun. He was one of the few survivors of the first Dark Council alongside The Brain and Clooner.

        The redhead lady is the Bachelorette, formerly known as the Bachelor, formerly known as Clooner. They are the genetically engineered creation of Davros and the Master.

        Senator Yarrow, also known as Desmond Reies, is Belinda’s evil son from an alternate future which was erased by Flashpoint. Desmond was rescued by The Bachelorette and became an influential senator who was a big villain a few seasons back.

        Darth Natalie is the sister of Palpatine and the current leader of the Sith.

        Creepy grey guy is a representative of Kalybus, who is extremely secretive and fought against the King in Yellow through a secret plan to get the Alliance to blow up most of his allies.

        I have no idea what the giant black ball is.

        Dr. Magnus was once Bob’s friend, but he was evil, faked his death, and created totally-not-the-Death-Star in the Rogue One parody trilogy. One of his allies is the creepy droid looking guy who we know nothing about and have previously seen for exactly one page.

        Hope this helps! If none of this rings a bell, boy you need to take another archive binge.