Comic for August 24th, 2022
August 24th, 2022

Discussion (5)¬

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  1. AJS6PES says:

    Welp. Tomorrow’s the 20th anniversary (congrats!), and then I’m guessing it’ll be the final episode after that.

  2. william scott says:

    we already knew he in limbo. my bet is the comic loops back on itself and this is his eternal limbo. be lame if true though

  3. Lenyat says:

    One day left. I wonder how gets resolved.
    Please, Dr. Legostar… don’t leave us like that.

    • SaylorA says:

      Unfortunately, the dear Doctor said there would be a fair amount left unfinished. I got the impression he was open to the idea that someone else takes over on their own to tell some of these other tales.

      Like what happens to our favorite ship’s accountant, Lt. Asay Lor? 🙂